Jewish Meditation for Everyone

Finding Shelter in the Storm

Episode Summary

This episode of our podcast features a teaching and meditation by Rabbi Dr. Jenny Solomon of Beth Meyer Synagogue, Raleigh NC. It's a meditation for cultivating a sense of safety and ease even in the midst of challenges which stir up past traumatic experiences. Rabbi Solomon bases it on a verse from Deuteronomy in which Moses admonishes the Israelites to "wipe out the memory of Amalek," their prototypical enemy, when they enter and find rest in the Promised Land. This suggests that experiencing a sense of safety and security can help the people ameliorate the impact of their previous trauma at the hands of Amalek, who attacked the most vulnerable members of the community when they left Egypt. Join Rabbi Jenny Solomon now for a gentle meditation for finding shelter amidst the storms of our time.

Episode Notes

The meditation featured in this episode originally took place during the IJS Daily Online Meditation Sit on September 9, 2024. To join these FREE daily meditations live, sign up here.

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