Jewish Meditation for Everyone

Putting God at the Center, Meeting the Truth of Each Moment

Episode Summary

This episode of our podcast features a teaching and meditation by Rabba Dr. Mira Neshama Weil of Neshimah, a Jewish mindfulness center in Israel. It's a practice based on the Torah portion Korach, in which a Korach, leader of the tribe of Levi, seeks to overthrow Moses for leadership of the community through demagoguery masked as populism. In Rabba Mira’s terms, Korach’s rebellion represents an act of “bad faith,” distorting holy words and ideals to serve self-centered, egotistical aims. She offers an antidote to self-centered seeking or anxiety: just sitting without an agenda – not for ourselves, but just for the sake of giving ourselves to this present moment – which is truth, and which Jewish tradition understands as the seal of the divine. Join Rabba Mira Weil now for a practice we all need – to rededicate ourselves to the truth which is present in each and every breath, in each and every moment.

Episode Notes

The meditation featured in this episode originally took place during the IJS Daily Online Meditation Sit on July 2, 2024. To join these FREE daily meditations live, sign up here.

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