Jewish Meditation for Everyone

To and Fro: Connecting with Divine, Through High and Low

Episode Summary

This episode of our podcast features a teaching and meditation by Yael Shy of Mindfulness Consulting. It's a practice leading into the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, which celebrates intimacy and connection with the Divine. Yael's practice is based on the Hasidic teacher Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlov's interpretation of a verse from the prophet Ezekiel. She offers a practice for connecting with God as we go "to and fro" in our daily lives, not only in peak moments when we feel a sense of deep connection, but also in the low moments when we we feel alienated and distant, the time when we're distracted, confused, angry, even unworthy of love. Join Yael Shy now for this powerful practice for coming back to deep connection, over and over, moment by moment.

Episode Notes

The meditation featured in this episode originally took place during the IJS Daily Online Meditation Sit on June 7, 2024. To join these FREE daily meditations live, sign up here.

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