Jewish Meditation for Everyone

When the Walls Fall in

Episode Summary

This episode of our podcast features a teaching and meditation led by Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, Senior Faculty Fellow at IJS. He offered this practice on the IJS Daily Sit shortly after the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, commemorating the date in the year 70 CE when the Roman army breached the walls of Jerusalem en route to destroying the city, a process culminating on the 9th of Av with the destruction of the Second Temple. Rabbi Bendat-Appell offers a practice for meeting the moments in our lives when the walls we assume will protect us fall down, leaving us profoundly vulnerable. Mindfulness practice, he teaches, helps us be with the fullness of life and access a deeper sense of safety and Divine support when we feel exposed and vulnerable. Join him for this timely and important practice for feeling held in love, even when the walls fall in.

Episode Notes

The meditation featured in this episode originally took place during the IJS Daily Online Meditation Sit on July 24, 2024. To join these FREE daily meditations live, sign up here.

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